Thursday, September 08, 2005

Welcome to The Music Scene, a place where you can come and talk about any music that is out there, especially new music. There are constantly new bands coming out that I am unaware of and I am always looking to listen to something new so let me know if there's a band you're listening to that's good. The type of music I like varies from rock, alternative, rap and some techno. I play guitar so I definitely enjoy learning how to play the songs I listen to. I feel like I can appreciate the song even more, knowing that I can play along with it if I want to. In terms of specific bands I like, lately I've been listening to a lot of 311, Fall Out Boy, Funeral For a Friend, and of course, 80's rock. I'm sure most of you have heard of 311, and maybe Fall Out Boy. Funeral For a Friend is a band I stumbled across on a website called, This is a great site to go if you are looking for some new alternative music. I'll post info about any new bands I come across or any cool sites where you can listen to new music. I hope all of you find a new band to listen to by visiting my site, so keep an open mind and check out some of the bands people listen to. Thanks for checking out my site.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job!


1:18 PM  

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